Posted by K2 on Dec 15, 2017
Ken grew up in Texas before heading to New Hampshire to attend Dartmouth College. While there, in addition to his studies he was also active on the crew team and competed in cross-country skiing. After graduation he headed to Japan for 5 years. He became one of the first Americans to every work for Mitsubishi on Japanese shores. Upon returning to the U.S. he went to Harvard Business School and then moved back to Texas. During that time he met his wife, Bebe.
Several years later, looking for a career change, Ken went back to college to learn about Industrial Bio-Tech at the University of Arizona. That's also where their two children were born, Isara and Natiya. That career change is also what brought Ken to San Diego where he joined a company called Diversa (which has since been acquired by BASF). Ken is still highly active with his family and the community and finds time to paraglide and surf whenever he can. 
Answers to the three questions:
     - Favorite movie: Life Is Beautiful
     - First 60 minutes of the day: Get up, walk the dog, make coffee and get ready for work
     - Saying on Billboard: Enjoy Life - It has an expiration date