Posted on Sep 11, 2020
We had an angel with us today - Eric Lovett, Founder & Executive Director of Urban Street Angels, talked about how he started this non-profit 7 years ago to help tackle youth homelessness in San Diego.
Their mission includes providing supportive housing and job training opportunities to cultivate personal responsibility to youth who often have experienced abuse (physical, sexual, & emotional) and to many who are fighting substance abuse and mental illness. He has grown the organization that started by housing youth in his home, to a 77 bed facility that helps over 150 youth per year. 
Sprinkled in his talk were words to inspire all - Love - Hope - I Can Do It - Believe in Oneself - Trust - Support - Never Have to Return to the Streets!
And, we learned from Charlotte, that as part of their 8 West enterprise program, they make great soap for sale.