Nicole's impromptu invocation was the prayer she recites to her kids each day as they head out:
May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,
wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness,
protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing
at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors.
We are again meeting on zoom through January due to the rapid Omicron spread. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Trish who got caught. We enjoyed seeing Vicky who gave happy $$ to be back; Jan in her Girl Scout sash in honor of our speaker; Kevin in his scarf as he can't afford heat with inflation; Ken with his sheared finger tip growing back; Paul with his grandkids frog art on the wall; & Lou and Patricia who both will be undergoing surgery soon (Lou for heart issues/Patricia for rotator cuff)
Patricia is doing a great job on socials (see Upcoming Events and register). She needs a volunteer for our demotion party in June, and help with our April 23 western-themed Anniversary party. Herb will be riding in on a horse and Ken will be showcasing his lasso skills.
Ken showed the Community Service Plan for the rest of the year and Di reminded members to register for upcoming food sorting nights on the website. Stay tuned for more info on RAW Day involving the CRC. She also encouraged Rotarians to join her & the CRC on 2/24 at 3:45am for a homeless survey.
Nicole shared that Model UN training will begin next weekend.
Liz Sheahan, Chief Advancement Officer for the Girl Scouts of America, joined us again on zoom to update us on current activities and remind of us all the skills they help young women achieve.
The famous cookie sale will run from January 30 - March 8 and will again include Operation Thin Mint (which began in San Diego) and has sent over 3MM cookies to service members overseas. Liz encouraged Rotarians to promote scouting and interact with the girls when purchasing cookies