Posted on Oct 01, 2021
  • Trish started the meeting with inspiring quotes from Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Albert Schweitzer, and Mother Teresa, who said "The fruit of silence is prayer; the fruit of prayer is faith; the fruit of faith is love; the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace".
  • Condolences to Vicky who broke her wrist in a fall & came in a sling 
  • Happy Dollars: George for his son Jim speaking today & restart of honor flights; Patricia for ESP/San Dieguito River Valley Conservatory; Malcolm for new fiber laser that he hasn't figured out yet; Charlotte for passing her latest financial services test; Di for all the heartfelt wishes & cards; Herb for having Bev at the meeting & Venky's efforts on the Global Grant; Andy for his son's upcoming wedding  where he'll only have to dress from the waist up since it is on zoom
  • Thank you to Venky who couldn't make LobsterFest so donated $1000 instead
  • Vicky shared upcoming District Events:
    • Oct. 5 - Del Mar Rotary Sunset Soiree, 5:30-8:30, Del Mar Plaza (let's reciprocate their support of our LobsterFest)
    • Oct 21 - Membership mixer, 6-8pm, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center, Carlsbad
    • Dec 4 - House building in Tecate with overnight stay
  • Holiday Party will be Dec 5 at Vickys - more info to come
  • Membership: Susan reminded us to talk about Rotary and invite new members
  • International: District Grant for El Salvador is approved and awaiting funds; Global Grant for Kenya orphanage has been written and is awaiting  amount of host Rotary funding
  • Community Service: Committee will meet week of Oct 14; Contact Lew to help with the Oct 30 Blood Drive
  • LobsterFest: Numbers are not final, but Vicky shared that Total Pledged reached $62,000!!!!!!!! including a net of $17,738 from the auction and $2000 from the raffle. Vicky thanked everyone for their help (not just her committee). Wrap up meeting was last week, but let her know if you have any suggestions/comments, and let Herb know if anyone hasn't received their Travel Pledge certificate
  • Our fascinating, informative  Speaker today was Jim Sousa, Director of GS Fisheries Inc. and 4th generation of family tuna fishermen. The  U.S. tuna industry started  in 1912 when Portuguese fishermen arrived (including Jim's Great Grandfather in 1918) and grew steadily until 1984 when our canneries closed. Boats grew from 125ft long to over 300ft and from holding 250 tons of tuna to 1500 tons. As Jim said, the boats were made out of wood and the men were made out of steel (this is the 2nd most dangerous business behind lumbering).