Todays invocation
Charles was finemaster today and did not fine $50/each: Herb for Beverly's black eyes and Jan for her quick & consistent website postings; and lots of happy $$s were given to have George back
We were sad to learn that Radia has resigned, but understand with a new little one, and that Suchandra has been working in San Jose & Monterey, and will soon be leaving for India again - we miss you in person!
Venky reported that according to Steve Brown, the Taliban control of Afganistan will not affect the school they built in Jalalabad where they educate boys and girls, or Nangarhar University. We hope that is true and continues. See interview below:
President Vicky wielded her gavel today and warned she will levy a heavy fine if it is stolen before LobsterFest
29 days to LobsterFest
- Artist Heather Roddy will not only have a painting in our online auction, but she will be painting the night of LobsterFest. The painting will be sold during a live auction with Herb as auctioneer extraordinaire; and Steve will be the masterful Master of Ceremony for the night
- Charlotte has done a fabulous job with our LobsterFest website (click link in menu line or donate button to give), and we will now have Spanish guitar music during cocktails. Let Suzanne know names of guests and any alternative food choices; and Vicky know if you have extra seats available so we can accommodate Rotary friends who would like to support us
Seth Tilly, a member of the Solana Beach Eco Rotary Club, spoke to us today about the changing technology and regulatory landscape of residential solar power, to help with making informed decisions about solar power for your home. Due to a power glitch, we lost connection during his talk, so feel free to email him at with any questions or for more information (and congratulations on your new baby)