Posted on Jun 04, 2021
  • Welcome to our newest member, Linda Saville, a former Rotarian & Club President in Laguna Beach.
DG Steve, Membership Co-Chair Susan, Linda, and Mentor Ken.
  • We were entertained by a video about Steve, based on the song On & On, Down in "La Jolla" (click on link below)
  • We learned more about red-badger Nicole from her Who Am I and her lifelong dedication to helping youth & people with disabilities
  • And then we were treated to an Empower Party hosted by Dianne Cox and Don Wells from Just In Time for Foster Youth, where we received a great swag bag and watched a touching presentation where JIT staff & participants made a music video of  Keep Holding On.  And we heard moving testimonials from former foster youth on how much JIT has made a difference in their lives as they transitioned to life on their own and the love they receive from them, their volunteers, and contributors. 
Diane and Don gratiously invited all Rotarians to join Just In Time for a complimentary evening of food and drink at the Grand Opening of the Sky Deck in the Del Mar Highlands Shopping Plaza on Tuesday, June 15. Let Paul know if you will be able to attend.