Posted on Dec 04, 2020
Herb thanked Susan for being the "Best Handler" and keeping him on his toes
Jan finished a 1000 piece puzzle she bought because it had an Amala-like cat in antlers. This prompted the idea of a Rotary Puzzle Exchange
Bill learned at Stand Down that a "Small Act" of helping even one is a success
We were all saddened to learn of the passing of Charlotte's dad and Venky's sister. Our thoughts and prayers are with them
But we were thrilled to learn that Radia will be adding a baby girl to her family

We were honored to have District Attorney Summer Stephan talk with us this morning about sex trafficing in San Diego and what is being done to prevent it. She emphasized how excited she is that this is a priority for Rotary, as Rotarians are doers. For more information, click on this link: