Kevin shared the following quotes for our invocation today as we celebrate the impact our club has had on the lives of local and global neighbors. As he said, let us continue throwing our beam and changing the world.
Happy Birthday to Suzanne who celebrates her special day tomorrow and Happy 53rd Anniversary to Meera & Venky!!
President Susan started our festivities by reminding us who Rotary is
(go to our Facebook page to watch the live video)
Vicky, in her multiple hats as Immediate Past President, LobsterFest Chair, and Foundation Chair, reminded members that we raised $35,320 at LobsterFest to share with our Major Beneficiaries Just in Time for Foster Youth and Casa de Amistad and other service organizations/projects. We added 5 new Paul Harris Society Members and had 100% EREY participation
Nicole as New Generation (Youth) Chair shared that we spent $5800 helping Casa de Amistad, Model UN and sent students to LEAD and RYLA for the first time since the pandemic
Herb, as International Chair, thanked Venky, Suchandra, and Steve for their help with projects in the countries of El Salvador, Mexico, Malawi, and India
Here Suchandra showed our next project teaching organic farming, and told about the $35,551 grant we did helping the homeless, mentally ill women in India where they were able to add more staff for vocational training & therapy and grew from 10 to 25 beds
Di, as Chair of Community Service (or the heart of Rotary as she says as we get directly involved), with the help of Bill, Lew, and Ken reminded us of the $5000 sent to the Nature Collective, $1000 sent to CRC for mental health initiatives and $500 for their general fund, besides helping over 700 families with food through Feeding San Diego
Bill, Lew, Sandy, and Jon helped with Programs this year and we learned so much in the following categories
Patricia on behalf of her and Suzanne as Social Chairs reviewed the 8 fun socials we did and were pleased with attendance with a minimum of 20 people for each
President Susan then thanked all the members of the club who are active behind the scenes and reminded us of the generosity of club members
She then rang the bell for the last time as President, and wrapped up the year