We had many guests today starting with Dawn Van Siclen, Rotary Asst. Governor Area 6, Carlsbad; our speaker & Rancho Santa Fe Rotarian Amy Scruggs; El Presidente of DMSB Rotary Susan Hennenfent, and Past Dist. Governor and member of our club, Steve Weitzen
Dawn also is the Chair of the District Conference & Foundation Gala on October 29 at the Del Mar Hilton. Sign up at the District website
Also joining us today was former DMSB Rotary Pres., Kirk "the great" Collins; Malcolm's cousin Dave and brother Peter from South Africa, here for Charles' upcoming wedding; and Chris Dinofia from Movement Mortgage, who works with Paul
The other great news regarding Malcolm, is that he is our new President Elect
That means he will be our President for the Rotary year 2023-2024 (his 2nd time in this position)
It was good to have Venky back in person after his successful knee surgery and Kevin after his recent marriage in Switzerland and honeymoon in The Cook Islands. Susan shared that OEF in El Salvador received a $20K grant from Women's Empowerment International, partly based on all the projects we have done with them
And a WARM WELCOME to our newest member Barbara Berkovitz, who will receive her Red Badge next week in a formal presentation
Susan, Mark, Bill, and Suzanne recently cleaned out our storage locker at Smart Self Storage. If members can store our canopies in their garages, we could clear the locker and save $1000/year. Let Susan know if you can help. Herb took one growler that Bill brought in (but he has more) and extra pens went to Casa de Amistad. Malcolm is in charge is finding a new home for the bocce equipment, and Patricia volunteered to help.
Charles displayed pictures and clippings from club activities over the years, that he hopes can find a new home (he is cleaning out his in anticipation of his move to La Costa Glen)
Herb shared a picture of Chikondi Dyson, the student in Malawi that we are supporting to attend the University of Malawi for 4 years and Lew announced our next Blood Drive on October 29
Our speaker, Amy Scruggs is not only an accomplished country music singer but an expert in digital marketing and media coaching. She shared how important it is to communicate effectively and gave tips on how to tell The Rotary Story. We then were treated to a video of her latest hit "What if all goes right"